Thursday, March 5, 2009

Maybe this will be good for the airline industry...

Was reading today on, and if I lived in a bigger city witha better airport I might be a little more excited about this. Alas, Pensacola has none of these carriers and it really doesn't affect my travels.


Nimble discount airlines here and around the world are growing and opening new routes even as the recession forces traditional carriers to cut flights and jobs.

Low-cost carriers, such as New York-based JetBlue (JBLU), Ireland-based Ryanair and Canada-based WestJet, are making inroads where higher-cost carriers are shrinking amid falling travel demand, especially among cost-conscious fliers.

"These airlines' common denominator is their agility and cost structures that are compatible with today's economic reality," says Mo Garfinkle, a Virginia-based consultant. "The good news is growth and opportunities in the industry aren't dead."


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